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Saving Habitat in Southern Ecuador


Strategic Area: Wild Places -
Content Type: Blog
Country: Ecuador -

Thanks to supporters of Nature and Culture International, over 140,000 acres of habitat are protected for the spectacled bear, red howler monkey and other special species.

Nature and Culture International is pleased to announce the creation of a new conservation area in southern Ecuador! Connecting the Andean foothills and the Amazon rainforest, the newly established Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area protects habitat for a variety of species – from new species of amphibians to the threatened spectacled bear.

Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area spans 140,372 acres of montane forests and paramo grasslands, including two of Nature and Culture’s private reserves: Jamboe and the San Francisco Scientific Station. It is located on the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes, known for its extraordinary biodiversity.

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Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area spans 140,372 acres of montane forests and paramo grasslands.

Wildlife in the region include unique species of birds like the white-necked parakeet (Pyrrhura albipectus), the coppery-chested jacamar (Galbula pastazae), and the grey tinamou (Tinamus tao). The conservation area is home to new species of amphibians that have recently been discovered – and likely more yet to be found.

Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area also contains 30 threatened species of flora. Thanks to the support of donors like you, Nature and Culture has restored more than 150 acres of degraded land with native trees to recover threatened species in the region. We plan on restoring additional acres now that Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area is established.

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Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area is home to unique and threatened species of plants and animals.

Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area protects forest located in the biological corridor between Podocarpus National Park and Yacuambi Municipal Reserve. In linking protected areas, the conservation area extends the habitat and allows the mobility of far-ranging species like the threatened spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus). To protect this mammal, Nature and Culture is working with the Technical University of Loja to monitor the bear’s population and natural behavior in the region using camera traps.

In addition to the spectacled bear, the biological corridor is home to nearly 70 mammal species, including the endangered mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque), red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus), and jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi).

According to Nature and Culture conservationist Trotsky Riera-Vite, “Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area is located in a strategic area for the conservation of Podocarpus National Park. The new conservation area covers the entire national park at its limits, creating a buffer which protects animals who live within the park.”

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Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area safeguards sources of water for more than 210,000 people.

Not only does Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area save critical habitat, it also protects important water supplies from unsustainable agriculture, mining, and other threats. The conservation area’s forests and paramos maintain sources of water for more than 210,000 people living in nearby cities and communities, including Saraguro and Shuar indigenous communities.

Zamora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area is a result of a close relationship and extensive collaboration between Nature and Culture, the local government, and the Regional Water Fund (FORAGUA). The conservation area was established with the financial support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and generous people like you!

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Nature and Culture will continue working with local governments to ensure effective and lasting conservation impact in the Ecuadorian Andes.

With your help, Nature and Culture will continue working with local governments to ensure effective and lasting conservation impact in the Ecuadorian Andes.

Thank you for making this achievement possible! We hope that this bit of good news inspires you to continue fighting for nature and culture.

Did you hear about Palora Municipal Conservation and Sustainable Use Area, established in the Ecuadorian Amazon? Check it out!