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In 2015: 190,000 acres of Amazon rainforest safeguarded in Peru


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Our local team in Amazonas, Peru led the creation of three protected areas in 2015. The Tijae Nain, Dase Nain and Monte Alegre Conservation Concessions span nearly 190,000 acres of rich Amazon rainforest, protecting endangered species alongside indigenous Awajun communities. This is a remarkable achievement, reflecting the dedication of Nature & Culture’s team, their collaboration with local communities, and the conservation vision of the regional government.

These areas play a key role in the advancement of sustainable industries that enhance the economic wellbeing of local people while preserving the globally important Amazon rainforests of northern Peru. Nature & Culture’s local team has worked steadily to help bring this vision of productive conservation to life by providing technical support and coordinating diverse stakeholders.

In Monte Alegre, the most recent area declared, coffee has emerged as the leading industry to unite goals for conservation and economic prosperity. In addition to preserving pristine Amazon rainforest, it safeguards charismatic species such as the spectacled bear, hairy anteater, and the yellow-tailed woolly monkey – an endangered species found only in this area.

In December 2015, the Regional Government of Amazonas declared the Dase Nain Conservation Concession, which spans another 41,380 acres of Amazon rainforest. This protected area runs along the Cenepa, Marañon and Dominguza Rivers, and is vital to preserving the area’s water quality. Nine indigenous Awajun communities bordering these rivers are collaborating with Nature & Culture to monitor and enforce the protection of Dase Nain while developing sustainable projects such as organic cacao.

This follows the October 2015 declaration of the 93,000 acre Tijae Nain Conservation Concession, which protects some of the world’s most biodiverse and beautiful Amazon rainforests and helps preserve the indigenous Awajun culture, which is deeply embedded in these vital forests. Nature & Culture’s work to create both Dase Nain and Tijae Nain was led by Peter Lerche and Eduardo Weepio – representative of the Awajun Federation – along with Miguel Ampush, Nelson Wisum, and Abel Wisum, who are members of the Supayacu Awajun community.